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Spielfilme / Fiction Feature




Özkan Küçük
Rojbash (Kurdish for “good morning”) is the story of a group of Kurdish actors, coming together to restage a play from 25 years ago. Their journey straddles between the play, their dreams and the reality. For Kemal who dedicated his life to Kurdish theatre, political conditions of Kurdish language today, is worse than 25 years ago. In response, he decides to call his actor friends scattered around the world, to restage their old play Rojbash. Intertwining daily life with rehearsals and lines from the play, their clamorous days begin.


Özkan Küçük
Rojbash (Kurdish for “good morning”) is the story of a group of Kurdish actors, coming together to restage a play from 25 years ago. Their journey straddles between the play, their dreams and the reality. For Kemal who dedicated his life to Kurdish theatre, political conditions of Kurdish language today, is worse than 25 years ago. In response, he decides to call his actor friends scattered around the world, to restage their old play Rojbash. Intertwining daily life with rehearsals and lines from the play, their clamorous days begin.


Özkan Küçük
Rojbash (Kurdish for “good morning”) is the story of a group of Kurdish actors, coming together to restage a play from 25 years ago. Their journey straddles between the play, their dreams and the reality. For Kemal who dedicated his life to Kurdish theatre, political conditions of Kurdish language today, is worse than 25 years ago. In response, he decides to call his actor friends scattered around the world, to restage their old play Rojbash. Intertwining daily life with rehearsals and lines from the play, their clamorous days begin.

Love In The Face Of Genocide

Shero Hinde

Der Film bringt uns in die Berge von Sinjar (Shengal), der Heimat der Jesiden, die im Laufe der Geschichte mehr als 74 Massaker erlebt haben. Die meisten während der osmanischen Ära und zuletzt das abscheuliche Massaker durch den Islamischen Staat ISIS im Jahr 2014.Mit diesem Dokumentarfilm versuchen wir einerseits, die Auswirkungen von Leid, Religion und kulturellen Unterschieden zur Umgebung auf die Komposition der Liebeslieder in Shengal aufzuzeigen, und andererseits, wie die Jesiden ihr gesangliches Erbe bewahren und die Geschichten von Liebe und Leid durch die einzige Hoffnung des Überlebens, den Gesang, dokumentieren.

Love In The Face Of Genocide

Shero Hinde
Li çiyayê Sincarê (Şengal), warê Kurdê Yezîdî yê Ji Her derê Dûr, di dîrokê de rastî zêdetirî 74 fermanan hatiye. Bi piraniya fermanan di serdema Empratorya Ossmanî de bûn lê belê Fermana 74an di sala 2014an de bi destê DAIŞê bû. Bi vê belgefîlmê em hewl didin ku bandora hejarî, êş û Cudabûna olî ji hawîrdorê li ser şêwe û naveroka stranên wan yên Evînê bidin nîşandan. Her wiha çawa Yezîdiyan kevneşopiya xwe ya stranbêjiyê parast û pêre jî Çîrokên xwe yên Evînî û êşê bi rêya stranbêjiyê belge kir.

Love In The Face Of Genocide

Shero Hinde
The film takes us to the mountains of Sinjar (Shengal), the homeland of the Yezidis, who have experienced more than 74 massacres throughout history. Most of them during the Ottoman era and most recently the heinous massacre by the Islamic State ISIS in 2014.With this documentary we try to show on the one hand the impact of suffering, religion and cultural differences with the surrounding environment on the composition of love songs in Shengal, and on the other hand how the Yazidis preserve their vocal legacy and document the stories of love and suffering through the only hope of survival, singing.

Die Engel von Sinjar

Hanna Polak

Die Engel von Sinjar

Hanna Polak

Die Engel von Sinjar

Hanna Polak


Mano Khalil
Ein kleines Dorf vor 40 Jahren an der syrisch-türkischen Grenze – der kleine Sero erlebt sein erstes Schuljahr, spielt freche Streiche mit seinen Kameraden, träumt von einem Fernseher, damit er endlich Cartoons schauen kann. Am Sabbat darf er die Lichter seiner jüdischen Nachbarn anzünden, mit denen seine Familie eine enge Freundschaft verbindet.Gleichzeitig muss er erleben, wie die Erwachsenen immer mehr von nationalistischer Willkür und Gewalt erdrückt werden.
Mit feinem Sinn für Humor und Satire zeichnet Regisseur Mano Khalil („Der Imker“, „Die Schwalbe“) in seinem neuen Film das Bild einer Kindheit, die unter der Assad-Diktatur auch leichte Momente findet.
Der Film ist inspiriert von seinen persönlichen Kindheitserlebnissen und spannt die berührende Erzählung bis in die syrische Tragödie der Gegenwart.


Mano Khalil
Gundekî piçûk yê nêzîkî ser sînorê Sûriye -Tirkiyeyê, Şêroyê piçûk cara ewil diçe mektebê, henekan dike û ji bo ku fîlmên kartonî temaşe bike xeyala bidestxistina televîzyonekê dike. Ji bo dostên qedirgiran yên malbata xwe her şemiyan ronahiyên şebbatê vêdixwe. Lê her wiha Şêro tecrûbeya hindê jî dike ku kesên navsere yên derdora wî bi despotîzm, tundî û netewperestiyê her ku diçê zêdetir tên binpêkirin.
Fîlm bi şêweza qerf û îroniyeke zirav, behsa hereketên nerm yên zarokatiyekê dike ku tê de hem dîktarorî hem jî dramaya reş heye. Fîlmê feyza xwe ji tecrûbeyên şexsî yên derhênêrî wergirtiye û ji ber vê yekê serhatiyên tehl û şîrîn yên derhênerî, trajedîya Sûriyeyê bi roja îro ve girê dide.


Mano Khalil
A little village near the Syrian-Turkish border, the little Sero attends school for the first time, plays cheeky pranks, and dreams of having a television so he can finally watch cartoons. He lightens up the shabbat lights every saturday for his neigbours who are beloved friends of his family. But he also experiences how the adults around him are increasingly crushed by the despotism, violence and nationalism which surround them.
With a fine sense of humor and satire, the film depicts a childhood which manages to find light moments between dictatorship and dark drama. The film was inspired by the director’s personal experiences, and so his bitter-sweet memories connect the Syrian tragedy to the present.


Kurzfilmwettbewerb ( 100 Min))
Xewn-Dream (12 Min)
Regie : Gule Welat

The Banishment (20 Min)
Regie : Yilmaz Özdil

The Apple (15 Min)
Regie : Mehmet Acaruk

Nietzschean Suicide (18 Min)
Regie : Payam Kurdistani

Path (11 Min)
Regie : Azhin Kawa

The Addres (15 Min)
Regie : Aram Dildar

A House Near the Sun (12 Min)
Regie : Maryam Samadi, Roni Schamlian


Kurzfilmwettbewerb ( 100 Min))
Xewn-Dream (12 Min)
Regie : Gule Welat

The Banishment (20 Min)
Regie : Yilmaz Özdil

The Apple (15 Min)
Regie : Mehmet Acaruk

Nietzschean Suicide (18 Min)
Regie : Payam Kurdistani

Path (11 Min)
Regie : Azhin Kawa

The Addres (15 Min)
Regie : Aram Dildar

A House Near the Sun (12 Min)
Regie : Maryam Samadi, Roni Schamlian


Kurzfilmwettbewerb ( 100 Min))
Xewn-Dream (12 Min)
Regie : Gule Welat

The Banishment (20 Min)
Regie : Yilmaz Özdil

The Apple (15 Min)
Regie : Mehmet Acaruk

Nietzschean Suicide (18 Min)
Regie : Payam Kurdistani

Path (11 Min)
Regie : Azhin Kawa

The Addres (15 Min)
Regie : Aram Dildar

A House Near the Sun (12 Min)
Regie : Maryam Samadi, Roni Schamlian


Zaynê Akyol
ROJEK erzählt die Geschichte von Mitgliedern des Islamischen Staates und auch ihrer Ehefrauen, die einen gemeinsamen Traum teilen: die Errichtung eines Kalifats. Der Film konfrontiert die Dschihadisten mit ihren fundamentalistischen Überzeugungen und versucht, die Anfänge, den Aufstieg und den Fall des Islamischen Staates (ISIS) anhand ihrer persönlichen Geschichten nachzuzeichnen. Diese Gespräche bilden den roten Faden des Dokumentarfilms, der mit verschiedenen Sequenzen über das aktuelle syrische Kurdistan der Nachkriegszeit verwoben ist.

ROJEK bietet einen intimen Blick auf eine unbekannte Realität und zeugt von Schlüsselmomenten, die die Akteure dieses Konflikts erlebt haben. Der Film zeigt diesen ideologischen Krieg als Anfang einer neuartigen Bedrohung.


Zaynê Akyol
ROJEK, rastî endamên Dewleta Îslamî yên ji seranserê dinyayê tê û herwiha rastî hevjînên wan tê yên ku li kampên girtiyan xeyaleka wan ya muşterek heye. Ev xeyal jî, avakirina xîlafetê ye. Fîlma ku behsa baweriyen eslî yên cîhadîstan dike, bi rêya çîrokên şexsî yên cîhadîstan, destpêka Dewleta Îslamî (DAIŞ), berzbûn û hilweşîna wan vedibêje. Ev sohbet û axiftin, ji ber ku têkel bûne bi çendîn sekansên piştî şerî li Kurdistana Sûriyê, bazina geşedana belgefîlmê pêk tîne.

ROJEK, şahidiya serhatiyên muhîm yên serkirdeyên vî şerî dike û nezereka semîmî dibexşe rastiyeka nena


Zaynê Akyol
ROJEK encounters members of the Islamic State from all over the world, as well as their wives detained in prison-camps, who are sharing a common dream: establishing a caliphate. Confronted with the fundamentalist beliefs of the jihadists, the film attempts to trace the beginning, the rise and fall of the Islamic State (ISIS) through their personal stories. These conversations are the thread along which the documentary evolves, as it is intertwined with various sequences depicting current, post-war Syrian Kurdistan. ROJEK offers an intimate gaze at an unknown reality, testifying of pivotal moments experienced by the actors of this conflict. The film tackles how this ideological war is only the beginning of a new kind of threat.

When The Seedlings Grow

Reger Azad Kaya
Huseyin and his family living in Kobane make a living from selling yogurt. Huseyin and his daughter Zelal set off to the city to sell yogurt. One day, they miss the bazaar time and start walking around the streets, trying to sell the yogurt. As they are trying to sell yogurt, they come across a boy named Hemudê. They start to look for Hemudê;s house while trying to sell yogurt at the same time. Their one-day adventure consists of many misfortunes, and they also witness the social dynamics that have been reshaped by the revolution. They see a mother keeping watch, protecting her neighborhood against possible counterrevolutionary attacks; a commune meeting where the problems of the neighborhood are discussed; workers digging underground tunnels due to war threats; an older woman living with her turtle, who did not leave her home in the neighborhood which witnessed the most intense battles of Kobanê war.

When The Seedlings Grow

Reger Azad Kaya
Huseyin and his family living in Kobane make a living from selling yogurt. Huseyin and his daughter Zelal set off to the city to sell yogurt. One day, they miss the bazaar time and start walking around the streets, trying to sell the yogurt. As they are trying to sell yogurt, they come across a boy named Hemudê. They start to look for Hemudê;s house while trying to sell yogurt at the same time. Their one-day adventure consists of many misfortunes, and they also witness the social dynamics that have been reshaped by the revolution. They see a mother keeping watch, protecting her neighborhood against possible counterrevolutionary attacks; a commune meeting where the problems of the neighborhood are discussed; workers digging underground tunnels due to war threats; an older woman living with her turtle, who did not leave her home in the neighborhood which witnessed the most intense battles of Kobanê war.

When The Seedlings Grow

Reger Azad Kaya
Huseyin and his family living in Kobane make a living from selling yogurt. Huseyin and his daughter Zelal set off to the city to sell yogurt. One day, they miss the bazaar time and start walking around the streets, trying to sell the yogurt. As they are trying to sell yogurt, they come across a boy named Hemudê. They start to look for Hemudê;s house while trying to sell yogurt at the same time. Their one-day adventure consists of many misfortunes, and they also witness the social dynamics that have been reshaped by the revolution. They see a mother keeping watch, protecting her neighborhood against possible counterrevolutionary attacks; a commune meeting where the problems of the neighborhood are discussed; workers digging underground tunnels due to war threats; an older woman living with her turtle, who did not leave her home in the neighborhood which witnessed the most intense battles of Kobanê war.

Berbu - The Wedding Parade

Sevinaz Evdike
“Berbu” ist ein bewegender Film über kurdische Familien im Rojava-Krieg. Im Zentrum steht Gules bevorstehende Hochzeit, die Hoffnung und Widerstand inmitten des Konflikts symbolisiert. Die schwierigen Entscheidungen der Familie spiegeln die Herausforderungen der kurdischen Gemeinschaften in kriegszerstörten Regionen wider. Trotz täglicher Widrigkeiten halten sie an Glück, Liebe und Traditionen fest. Die Regie und Kameraarbeit fangen das Leben in einer vom Krieg gezeichneten Stadt sowie starke Emotionen und harte Realitäten ein. “Berbu” beeindruckt mit einer durchdachten Erzählung über Liebe, Tradition, Opferbereitschaft und Widerstandskraft.

Berbu - The Wedding Parade

Sevinaz Evdike
“Berbû” fîlmekî bi hestan e li ser malbatên Kurd ên di şerê Rojava de. Ew li ser zewaca Gule ya nêzîk ve girêdayî ye, ku di nav pevçûnê de hêvî û berxwedanê nîşan dide. Biryarên dijwar ên malbatê, astengiyên civakên Kurd ên li herêmên şer têkçûyî nîşan didin. Tevî zehmetiyên rojane, ew li ser kêfxweşî, hezkirin û kevneşopiyan digirin. Derhêner û karê kamerayê jiyana li bajarê şerê şerê şer, herweha hestên xurt û rastiyên dijwar digire. “Berbu” bi çîrokeke balkêş li ser hezkirin, kevneşopî, fedakarî û berxwedanê balkêş e.

Berbu - The Wedding Parade

Sevinaz Evdike
“Berbu” is a moving film about Kurdish families in the Rojava war. It centers on Gule’s upcoming wedding, which symbolizes hope and resistance in the midst of conflict. The family’s difficult decisions reflect the challenges of Kurdish communities in war-torn regions. Despite daily adversity, they hold on to happiness, love and traditions. The direction and camerawork capture life in a war-torn town as well as strong emotions and harsh realities. “Berbu” impresses with a thoughtful narrative about love, tradition, sacrifice and resilience.

Sieger Sein

Soleen Youseef
Die elfjährige Mona (Dileyla Agirman) ist mit ihrer kurdischen Familie aus Syrien geflüchtet und kommt auf eine Schule im Berliner Wedding. Mona kann kein Wort Deutsch, aber Fußball. Der engagierte Lehrer Herr Chepovich (Andreas Döhler), kurz Herr Che, erkennt ihr außergewöhnliches Talent und nimmt sie in das Mädchenteam auf. Mona ist eine Kämpferin, merkt aber bald, nur wenn sie und die anderen Mädchen zusammenspielen, können sie auch Sieger sein.

Sieger Sein

Soleen Youseef
Mona (Dileyla Ağırman) a 11 salî bi malbata xwe ya kurd re ji Sûriyê direve û tê dibistanek li nawçeya Wedding a Berlînê. Mona ku yek gotinek jî bi Almanî nizane lê dikare pir baş futbolê dilîze. Mamosteyê wî ku tenê bi karê xwe ve girêdayî ye birêz Chepovich (Andreas Döhler), an jî bi kurtî birêz Che, jêhatiya wê ya awarte dibîne û wê di tîmê keçan de vedihewîne. Mona lîstikvanek pir baş e, lê ew zû pê dihese ku divê ew bi keçên li dibistana xwe re hevkariyê bike da ku serbikeve.

Sieger Sein

Soleen Youseef
Geschichte der 11-jährigen Mona. Mona (Dileyla Agirman) ist mit ihrer kurdischen Familie aus Syrien geflüchtet und kommt auf eine anarchische Schule in Berlin-Wedding. Die meisten Lehrkräfte sind mit ihren Nerven am Ende, und das Frustlevel der Schülerinnen und Schüler steigt täglich. Mona kann kaum Deutsch. Dafür aber Fußball. Das hat sie oft in den Straßen ihrer Heimat mit den Brüdern gespielt. Herr Che (Andreas Döhler), ein engagierter Lehrer, erkennt ihr außergewöhnliches Talent und nimmt sie in das Mädchenteam auf. Doch das Zusammenspiel mit den anderen Mädchen ist schwieriger als gedacht. Jede von ihnen ist eine Einzelkämpferin! Doch nur Teamwork makes the dream work!

Gedenken an Halil Dag

Firmeskên Ava Zee

Halil Dag

Firmeskên Ava Zee

Halil Dag

Firmeskên Ava Zee

Halil Dag

Bihar - Spring

Cemile Sahin
Der Film „Bihar – Vier Balladen für meinen Vater“ (kurdisch: Frühling) erzählt von einer Familie, die im Zuge eines Staudammprojektes der türkischen Regierung im Pariser Exil landet.

Bihar - Spring

Cemile Sahin
Der Film „Bihar – Vier Balladen für meinen Vater“ (kurdisch: Frühling) erzählt von einer Familie, die im Zuge eines Staudammprojektes der türkischen Regierung im Pariser Exil landet.

Bihar - Spring

Cemile Sahin
Der Film „Bihar – Vier Balladen für meinen Vater“ (kurdisch: Frühling) erzählt von einer Familie, die im Zuge eines Staudammprojektes der türkischen Regierung im Pariser Exil landet.

Dokumentarfilme / Dokumentary

Letters From Shengal

Dersim Zerevan
Es ist Sommer 2014. Der Islamische Staat dringt in Shengal ein, die Hauptstadt der Eziden in Irakisch-Kurdistan. Der Plan war es, die ethnisch-religiöse Minderheit, die abfällig als “Teufelsanbeter” bezeichnet wird, auszurotten. 5000 ezidische Männer wurden getötet, 7000 Frauen und Kinder wurden in die Sklaverei verschleppt.
Der Film erzählt die Befreiung Shengals und die Geschichten von fünf Partisanen, die stellvertretend für die vielen stehen, die aus verschiedenen Ländern gegen den Islamischen Staat kämpfen.

Letters From Shengal

Dersim Zerevan
Di Havîna 2014 de Dewleta Islamî Shengal, paytexta Êzdiyan li Kurdistana Iraqê, dagir kir. Plana ji holê rakirina hindikahiyên etnîkî/olî bû ku jê re dihat gotin “perestiya şeytan-Pers”. 5000 mêrên êzidî hatine kuştin, 7000 jin û zarok bûne kole. Ev fîlm bi çîrokên pênc partîzanên ku ji gelek kesên ku ji gelek welatên cihê ji bo şer li dijî Dewleta Islamî hatine şerkirin, rizgarkirina Şengalê vedibêje.

Letters From Shengal

Dersim Zerevan
In Summer 2014 the Islamic State invaded Shengal, the Ezidi capital in Iraqi Kurdistan. The
plan was to exterminate the ethnical and religious minority derogatorily called “devil worshippers’. 5000 Ezidi men have been killed, 7000 women and children have been taken in slavery.
This film tells Shengal’s liberation through the stories of five partisans who are five arche-
types of the many that came to fight against the Islamic State from several different coun-


Derya Deniz
Der Dokumentarfilm handelt von einer jesidischen Frau und mit dem Angriff des Islamischen Staates auf Shengal (Sinjar) am 03.August 2014. Er erzählt, was sie in den Händen des ISIS erlebt hat, wie es ihr gelungen ist zu fliehen und wie sie ihr Leben nach der Flucht weitergeführt hat. Hêza hätte sich in ihren kühnsten Träumen nicht gedacht, dass sie eines Tages Hunderte von Kämpfern und Kämpferinnen in den Kampf gegen die gefährlichste dschihadistische Terrororganisation der Welt (ISIS) anleitet. Hêza war noch ein junges Mädchen, als sie zusammen mit 5000 anderen jesidischen Frauen von der ISIS gefangen genommen und versklavt wurden. Nach Jahren des Schmerzes und des Leidens gelingt ihr die Flucht. Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist ein Artefakt von Hêzas Schmerz und ihrem Kampf für die Gerechtigkeit.


Derya Deniz
Ev belgefîlm li ser jineke êzîdî ye ku di dema êrîşa DAIŞ’ê li ser Şengalê di 3ê Tebaxa 2014an de dest pê kir, bûye kole. Tê de behsa wê yekê dike ku wê di destê DAIŞê de çi jiyaye, ji bo ku rizgar bibe çawa hewl daye û çawa wê jiyana xwe piştî Rizgarbuna ji dest DAİŞ’e domandiye. Heza, di xewna xwe ya herî xirab de qet nedifikirî ku wê rojekê bibe fermandara bi sedan şervanên jin û mêr di şerê li dijî DAIŞ’ê û wan têk bibe. Heza tenê keçeke ciwan bû ku tevî 5000 jinên din ên êzîdî dîl ket destê DAIŞ’ê û bu kole. Piştî êş û azarên bi salan direve. Ev belgefîlm şahidiya zindî ya êş û azarên Heza û têkoşîna wê ya ji bo edaletê ye


Derya Deniz
The documentary is about a Yazidi woman and with the attack of the Islamic State on Shengal (Sinjar) on August 03, 2014. It tells what she experienced in the hands of ISIS, how she managed to escape and how she continued her life after the escape. Hêza never imagined in her wildest dreams that she would one day lead hundreds of male and female fighters into battle against the world’s most dangerous jihadist terrorist organization (ISIS). Hêza was just a young girl when she was captured and enslaved by ISIS along with 5,000 other Yazidi women. After years of pain and suffering, she manages to escape. This documentary is an artifact of Hêza’s pain and her struggle for justice.


Ez Edaletê Dixwazim

Nuray Sahin


Ez Edaletê Dixwazim

Nuray Sahin
Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cras mattis consectetur purus.

Ez Edaletê Dixwazim

Nuray Sahin
Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cras mattis consectetur purus.

Daughters of the Sun

Reber Dosky

The Yazidi girls and women who were released after the fall of IS now live in difficult conditions in refugee camps. During their captivity with IS, they had horrific experiences that left visible and invisible scars. These scars touch on taboos in the closed Yazidi community. The women have lost their virginity and some of them have been pregnant. They are severely traumatized and some have been brainwashed by Islam. The community is wary of these scars and the women even more anxious about the impact their scars can have on their environment. They thus suffer from a double fear: fear of their own memories and fear of the reaction to them in their community.

Theater maker Hussein (55) tries to reduce the fear among women as well as in the community by making the traumas visible and open to discussion.

Daughters of the Sun

Reber Dosky

Daughters of the Sun

Reber Dosky

The Yazidi girls and women who were released after the fall of IS now live in difficult conditions in refugee camps. During their captivity with IS, they had horrific experiences that left visible and invisible scars. These scars touch on taboos in the closed Yazidi community. The women have lost their virginity and some of them have been pregnant. They are severely traumatized and some have been brainwashed by Islam. The community is wary of these scars and the women even more anxious about the impact their scars can have on their environment. They thus suffer from a double fear: fear of their own memories and fear of the reaction to them in their community. Theater maker Hussein (55) tries to reduce the fear among women as well as in the community by making the traumas visible and open to discussion.

Ra - The Spiritual Path

Devrim Tekinoglu
“Ra (The Spiritual Path)” ist ein Dokumentarfilm über das Dersim-Alevitentum, ein einzigartiges, in Anatolien verwurzeltes Glaubenssystem. Es betont die tiefe Verbindung zwischen Natur und Mensch, die durch geografische Härten geprägt ist. Der Gottesdienstkalender, der sich um die Monate Gağan, Xızır und Hawtemal dreht, spiegelt diese Perspektive wieder.


Ra - The Spiritual Path

Devrim Tekinoglu
Îtîqata raya heqî hetê nîyadiyîşa însan o xozayî ra îtîqatî anatolya ra avirîno ra. Raya heqê Dersimî tarîx ra nat îtîqatê bînan ra îstîfade kerdayişî zor û seweta zor û zahmetîya cografyayê zede xususîyetê do xozayê. Şikînîmê vacîmê raya heqî xozayî rê qedr û qiymet dayenê cêno zerê mîyande xo. Nî xosusîyetê îtîqatî ebi çerxê sernameyê îtaqatî de yêno ramitenê. Îtîqate taqwîmê Dersîmî asmê Gaxan,Xizir û Hewtîmelî de name bîyo. Xususîyeta no îtîgatî kamîya xo cem û cematan dê bimbarekîya jîyar û dîyaran de xo eskera keno. Îtîqatê kesayîyê de “jîyarê” yê camatî de “ayînê cemî” xususîyetê xo asneno. Kesayî û cîvat, mabênê qom û cîranîyê ebi pergala cematê yeno ramitenê. Pergala camatî de aktorên ke “ocaxên bimbarekî” de cayê xususî cênê “ Ana, Pîr, Ded û Mûrşîd” o. Weşîya rozane de însan û qom îtqatê xo ravêr tîcî û asmê, dar û ber, têyyr u tûr, herdû awkê verdê yêno secde. Belgfilmê RA yê nî rozî kê hetê ra zon û zagonê Dersîmî û hetê ra tarîx û xozayî xo binê erîşê dê ro wazenîmê ke îtîqat û zagonên xoyê qedîmî rêyna bîyarîmê ber çimî.

Ra - The Spiritual Path

Devrim Tekinoglu
“Ra (The Spiritual Path)” is a documentary exploring Dersim Alevism, a unique belief system rooted in Anatolia. It emphasizes the deep connection between nature and humanity, shaped by geographical hardships. The worship calendar, centered around Gağan, Xızır, and Hawtemal months, reflects this perspective.
The documentary highlights the significance of “Cem ceremonies” in fostering social bonds and maintaining the community system. Spiritual guides, like “Ana, Rehber, Pir, Dede, Murşid,” play crucial roles in guiding individuals and communities.

Hawagê Kilamo - Xidir

Hasan Saglam

Hawagê Kilamo - Xidir

Hasan Saglam

Hawagê Kilamo - Xidir

Hasan Saglam


Bilûra Niso

Sedat Kiran

Bilûra Niso

Sedat Kiran
Di dema komkujiya Fileyan de, li Amedê bûyereka pirr balkeş hatiye jiyîn. Yek malbatekFile, mêr hatine kuştin, jin û zarok jî wek sirgunî bi rê kirine ku li ser axa Sûrî û Lubnanêbişînin welatên Rojava. Li wê demê ji malbata File yek zarok û yek jî dayik, xwe ji destêleşkerên Osmaniyan difilitînin û vedigerin Amedê. Zarok di 9 saliya xwe de ye û navê wî jîNişo ye. Ji alîkî jî dîsa li Amedê ji malbatekî Kurd ciwanek hildidin artêşa Osmaniyan û ewleşker ji leşkeriyê jiyana xwe ji dest dide û zarokê wî jî bi hesreta bavê xwe digirî û herduçavên xwe wenda dike. Ew zarok jî di 6 saliya xwe de ye û navê wî jî Zilfo ye.Nişo’yê File li Amedê dixebite û dibe hostayeke amûrên muzîkê, taybet jî Bilûrê. Zilfo jî bi êşû hesreta bavê xwe bala xwe dide ser bilûrvaniyê. Ev herdu zarok hevudu nas dikin, dibin cîrana hev û her yek di qada xwe de binav û deng dibin. Navê her yekî ji çar parçê Kurdistanbelav dibe û li welatên xerîbiyê jî tên nasîn. Bilûrvan û hunermendên hemû Kurdistan ev herdu kes dinasin û bi hurmet bilêv dikin. Lê herdu hunermendên nemir jî di dawiyê de bizelûlî jiyana xwe temam dikin. Kurê Nişo û Keça Zilfo, herdu jî bi hesreta ew rojên aşitiyêbehsa bavên xwe dikin û kurê Nişo Îbrahim, ji bo nijadperestiyê wiha dibêje: “Ev zextadewletan hatiye li ser hemû gelên bêdewlet.”

Bilûra Niso

Sedat Kiran
The Armenian relocation of 1915 also caused a significant upheaval in the Kurdish geography. During this relocation, the adult males of the Dikran family from Eğilli in Diyarbakır were killed, while women and children were exiled in caravans. Nişan Dikran (known as Master Nişo), a 9-year-old who lost two of his brothers during this exile, managed to break away from the caravan and return to Diyarbakır with his mother. In the same period, Zülfü Yokuş of Ergani (Zilfo, the Vivaldi of the East), whose father served in the Ottoman Army, was also of the same age as Nişo and lost his eyes from crying when his father died in the military. While Nişo gained fame in Diyarbakır with his talent and became a master of crafting wind instruments, Zilfo became known for his skill in playing the kaval.


What brought these two teenagers, one Armenian and the other Kurdish, together in Diyarbakır was the musical instrument kaval. Zilfo moved from Ergani to Diyarbakır city center and became neighbors with Nişo, the kaval master who showed him special attention. The families bonded, and a friendship built on solidarity and support took shape. Nişo, the master, crafted a special kaval for his friend Zilfo, and Zilfo gained reputation in the region by playing his kaval on the Eastern Express trains. Nişo’s kavals and Zilfo’s kaval playing skill brought them both unique fame.


Finally, from the 1950s onwards, Armenians began to feel uneasy in Diyarbakır as well and migrated to the West. Nişo initially resisted this migration, but eventually, he had to leave Diyarbakır and go to Istanbul. After Nişo went to Istanbul, he struggled to obtain the wood materials for making kavals he used  in Diyarbakır, and he lost his ability to craft kavals like before. Zilfo also aged and had to sell his kaval, which had different measurements from all the existing kavals, with deeper and wider breath intervals. Nişo passed away in Istanbul, and Zilfo, too, in Diyarbakır, around roughly the same time.Nişo’s son, İbrahim, and Zilfo’s daughter, Hatice, have led lives that are almost entirely separate from each other. Each of them narrates their own father’s story, while the kaval masters, who developed their art with Nişo’s kavals, continue to perform their awe-inspiring arts.




Metin Dağ

Die Auswirkungen des Varto-Erdbebens vom 19. August 1966 auf die Menschen, die es erlebt haben, und auf spätere Generationen


Metin Dağ


Metin Dağ



Nadia Derwiş
Jinwar: a self-sufficient space for women’s free life. It is established with determination, courage, and hope.


Nadia Derwiş
Jinwar: a self-sufficient space for women’s free life. It is established with determination, courage, and hope.


Nadia Derwiş
Jinwar: a self-sufficient space for women’s free life. It is established with determination, courage, and hope.



Nimet Gatar
How is it possible to watch movies with women and discuss patriarchy with women? While this question was constantly spinning in my mind, we organized a traveling cinema in Dersim, Amed, and Van so that only women could watch different films from Kurdish Cinema. Sometimes on the wall of a house in a village, sometimes in a hall in the city center, we held screenings and workshops on Kurdish Cinema. We brought the stories of Base, Berfe, Nigar, Helun, Emine, Jiyan, and many other female characters to their audiences in Dersim, Amed, and Van. At these film screenings, which were only open to women, we had women-to-women conversations, and we named the documentary “GotûbêJin”… The documentary focuses on the following subjects: the dialogues of the audience, many of whom have never encountered Kurdish Cinema before in the ateliers, their comments on the representations of women and men in the movies, the problem of masculinity discussed by the participants through their own lives, what patriarchy is and their criticisms of it, the question of what is the source of the problem in our lives and what should be the solution, dengbêj women performing “stran” from their own lives…


Nimet Gatar
Em bi armanca fîlmen me ji sinemaya Kurdî bijartin gihaştina xwedanên wan, carinan li ser taqeke xaniyeke gundekê, carinan jî li saloneke ya bajêrekê pêşkêşkirinên sinemaya gerok li bajarên Dêrsim, Amed û Wanê ketin ser rê. Me çîroka Besê, Berfê, Nîgar, Helûn, Emîne, Jiyan û geleke jinên din ên ji filman diherikî li sê bajaran gihand jinan. Me jinan di pêşkêşiyên fîlman ên tene ji jinan re vekirî de guftogûyên xwe yên heralî yên jinîkî kirin û navê belgefîlmê jî kir GotûbêJin. Di belgefîlmê de, axaftinên gelek jinên berî niha qet li mînakên Sinemaya Kurdî temaşe nekirî, şîroveyên wan ên nûnertiya jin û mêrên di fîlman de, pirsgireka mêr a di jiyana jinên tevlî temaşekirina fîlma de raxistina ber çavan, pênasekirina patrîyarkayê û rexneyên derbarê wê de, lêpirsîna çavkaniya pirsgireka di jiyanên me de çi bû û diviya çareserî çawa ba, jinên dengbêj ên stranên xwe li ser jiyana xwe çêkirîn…


Nimet Gatar
How is it possible to watch movies with women and discuss patriarchy with women? While this question was constantly spinning in my mind, we organized a traveling cinema in Dersim, Amed, and Van so that only women could watch different films from Kurdish Cinema. Sometimes on the wall of a house in a village, sometimes in a hall in the city center, we held screenings and workshops on Kurdish Cinema. We brought the stories of Base, Berfe, Nigar, Helun, Emine, Jiyan, and many other female characters to their audiences in Dersim, Amed, and Van. At these film screenings, which were only open to women, we had women-to-women conversations, and we named the documentary “GotûbêJin”… The documentary focuses on the following subjects: the dialogues of the audience, many of whom have never encountered Kurdish Cinema before in the ateliers, their comments on the representations of women and men in the movies, the problem of masculinity discussed by the participants through their own lives, what patriarchy is and their criticisms of it, the question of what is the source of the problem in our lives and what should be the solution, dengbêj women performing “stran” from their own lives…

The Taste Of Water

Ebrahim Saeedi

The Taste Of Water

Ebrahim Saeedi
Li gundê “Dîzaj Dol” a ser bi gola Urmiyê ya Îranê, kêmbûna avê bîr û bax û baxçe zuha kirine. Cotkarên Kak Mihemed û Meşhedî Askar ku ji pêkhateyên cuda ne, bi awayê xwe bi pirsgirêkên jîngehê re rû bi rû ne. Bîra Kak Mihemed hîn jî hinek av heye, lê ji ber ku derya zuha dibe, êdî nikare baxçê xwe bide xwarin. Ziwabûn û bahozên xwê felaketên ku li herêmê dibe sedema paşketin, bêkarî û nexweşiyan tîne. Gundî berê xwe didin nimêjê, her yek li gorî baweriya xwe: Meşhedî Asgar û Azarî li nêzî gola hişkbûyî merasîmek li dar dixin, lê Kak Mihemed û Kurd li mizgeftan kom dibin. Tevî şikestinan, Kak Mihemed li ser planên zewaca kurê xwe berdewam dike, lê fikarên derbarê paşeroj û rewşa golê de berdewam in.

The Taste Of Water

Ebrahim Saeedi
In the village of “Dizaj Dol” near Iran’s Lake Urmia, water shortages have dried up wells and gardens. Farmers Kak Mohammad and Mashhadi Askar, from different backgrounds, face environmental challenges in their own ways. Kak Mohammad’s well has some water left, but as the sea dries up, it struggles to sustain his garden. Drought and salt storms bring disaster, causing recession, unemployment, and illness in the region. Villagers turn to prayer, each following their beliefs: Mashhadi Asgar and the Azaris hold a ceremony near the dried-up lake, while Kak Mohammad and the Kurds gather in mosques. Despite setbacks, Kak Mohammad proceeds with his son’s wedding plans, yet concerns linger about the future and the state of the sea.

The Return

Alba Sotorra

The Return

Alba Sotorra

The Return

Alba Sotorra

A unique access portrait of a group of Western women who devoted their young lives to ISIS, but who now want to be given the chance to start over back home in the West. Among them, probably the most famous British recruit Shamima Begum, who fled the country when she was 15, and Hoda Muthana from USA who allegedly incited her followers on Twitter to support the Islamic State. Universally reviled by the media, these women now tell their stories for the very first time.


Maria Binder

EREN porträtiert eine Frau, die seit mehr als 30 Jahren für Grundrechte und Frieden in der Türkei kämpft. Als Anwältin und Menschenrechtsverteidigerin ist Eren Keskin eine der Hauptakteur*innen und Kläger*innen für Frauen-, LGBTQIA+ und Minderheiten-Rechte, gegen Folter und sexualisierte Gewalt. Ihr ausgeprägter Sinn für Gerechtigkeit scheut keine Tabus und rüttelt an den Fundamenten des türkischen Staates. Jetzt wird sie selbst zur Angeklagten, zur Staatsfeindin gemacht. In mehr als hundert Strafverfahren droht ihr eine lebenslange Haftstrafe. Wieviel Zeit ihr in Freiheit bleibt, weiß sie nicht. Jeden Moment kann sie für immer hinter Gittern verschwinden.


Maria Binder


Maria Binder

EREN follows a female lawyer in Turkey, who has successfully defended human rights for decades. Now she is threatened by life imprisonment and

declared the enemy of the state even before a fair trial. In a few months Turkish courts will hand down the sentence. This threat hovers above everything, it eats into the daily life of the whole team at the law office. The film tells the story of the last year before the possible imprisonment.


Kurzfilmwettbewerb ( 100 Min))
Xewn-Dream (12 Min)
Regie : Gule Welat

The Banishment (20 Min)
Regie : Yilmaz Özdil

The Apple (15 Min)
Regie : Mehmet Acaruk

Nietzschean Suicide (18 Min)
Regie : Payam Kurdistani

Path (11 Min)
Regie : Azhin Kawa

The Addres (15 Min)
Regie : Aram Dildar

A House Near the Sun (12 Min)
Regie : Maryam Samadi, Roni Schamlian


Kurzfilmwettbewerb ( 100 Min))
Xewn-Dream (12 Min)
Regie : Gule Welat

The Banishment (20 Min)
Regie : Yilmaz Özdil

The Apple (15 Min)
Regie : Mehmet Acaruk

Nietzschean Suicide (18 Min)
Regie : Payam Kurdistani

Path (11 Min)
Regie : Azhin Kawa

The Addres (15 Min)
Regie : Aram Dildar

A House Near the Sun (12 Min)
Regie : Maryam Samadi, Roni Schamlian


Kurzfilmwettbewerb ( 100 Min))
Xewn-Dream (12 Min)
Regie : Gule Welat

The Banishment (20 Min)
Regie : Yilmaz Özdil

The Apple (15 Min)
Regie : Mehmet Acaruk

Nietzschean Suicide (18 Min)
Regie : Payam Kurdistani

Path (11 Min)
Regie : Azhin Kawa

The Addres (15 Min)
Regie : Aram Dildar

A House Near the Sun (12 Min)
Regie : Maryam Samadi, Roni Schamlian